Tag Archives: education

You, Sir, Are Going to Summer School

POSTED BY: PutUpYourDukes


I believe the proper spelling is "turkey nuggets"

This comes to me from a friend of a friend that teaches sixth grade in an inner city public school in Philadelphia. The student was instructed to write an essay on school lunch. This be hilarious.

Confessions of a Schoolteacher


(Note: This is a post I originally wrote for cVillain, but I thought I would throw it up here for those that haven’t read it yet. To read the other articles I posted there, click here.)

Teaching Survival Pack

Teacher's Survival Pack

Summertime is in full swing, and public school teachers around the country are rejoicing. It is the time of year when we finally look back at the nine and a half months of blood, sweat, and tears, and realize that it was totally worth it. While older teachers have families to attend to during the summer, a younger teacher like myself truly gets to live it up. While my friends have to get up early and go to work on these beautiful summer days, I get to sleep in and do pretty much whatever I want. Many of my friends seem to think that it is unfair that I get paid to do nothing for an entire summer. This is because they don’t quite understand what teachers have to put up with during the school year to earn their time off. While most teachers I know (myself included) love what they do for a living, there are always a few students that will drive even the most composed teacher nuts:

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